About me

I am a second year PhD student working on Algorithmic Fairness in Medical Imaging at Section for Visual Computing (VisComp), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), advised by Aasa Feragen and Siavash Bigdeli.

My research topics include bias assessment and reasoning, counterfactual generation, shortcut learning detection, and bias mitigation. I aim to build fair, transparent, trustworthy, and responsible AI tools.


  • Aug, 2024. Our paper, Fast Diffusion-Based Counterfactuals for Shortcut Removal and Generation, has been accepted for an oral presentation at ECCV! After a long journey filled with ups and downs, it’s incredibly rewarding to see our work recognized (so far a bit) by the conference community. Can not wait to present and have (hopefully many!) interesting discussions in Milan this September 🍕
  • Aug, 2024. After more than one-year’s procrastination, I finally recreated my personal webpage (this one!). I used Quarto to build it – it’s incredibly simple and includes the function to integrate code into the blogs, which I’m looking forward to trying out in a near (!) future.