

  • Slicing Through Bias: Explaining Performance Gaps in Medical Image Analysis using Slice Discovery Methods
    V. Olesen, N. Weng, A. Feragen, E. Petersen.
    In Workshop on Fairness of AI in Medical Imaging (FAIMI) @ MICCAI, 2024. Oral presentation.
    [arXiv]   [code available soon]

  • Non-discrimination Criteria for Generative Language Models
    S. Sterlie, N. Weng, A. Feragen
    In Workshop on Fairness and ethics towards transparent AI: facing the chalLEnge through model Debiasing @ ECCV, 2024.
    [arXiv]   [code available soon]

  • Shortcut Learning in Medical Image Segmentation
    M. Lin*, N. Weng*, K. Mikolaj, Z. Bashir, M. B. S. Svendsen, M. Tolsgaard, A. N. Christensen, A. Feragen (*equal contribution)
    In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2024.
    [arXiv]   [code]

  • Fast diffusion-based counterfactuals for shortcut removal and generation
    N. Weng*, P. Pegios*, E. Petersen, A. Feragen, S. Bigdeli (*equal contribution)
    In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024. Oral presentation.
    [arXiv]   [project page]   [code]

  • Are Sex-Based Physiological Differences the Cause of Gender Bias for Chest X-Ray Diagnosis?
    N. Weng, S. Bigdeli, E. Petersen, A. Feragen
    In Workshop on Fairness of AI in Medical Imaging (FAIMI) @ MICCAI, 2023.
    [pdf]   [code]

  • An Interpretable and Attention-based Method for Gaze Estimation Using Electroencephalography
    N. Weng, M. B. Płomecka, M. Kaufmann, A. Kastrati, R. Wattenhofer, N. Langer
    In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), 2023.

  • Will you ever become popular? learning to predict virality of dance clips
    J. Wang, Y. Wang, N. Weng, T. Chai, A. Li, F. Zhang, S. Yu
    In ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMM).

  • A Second-Order Adaptive Network Model for Exam-Related Anxiety Regulation
    I. Barradas*, A. Kloc*, N. Weng*, J. Treur (*equal contribution)
    In Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures Meeting, 2021.

  • Two-stream temporal convolutional network for dynamic facial attractiveness prediction
    N. Weng, J. Wang, A. Li, Y. Wang
    In International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2020.


  • Diffusion-based Iterative Counterfactual Explanations for Fetal Ultrasound Image Quality Assessment
    P. Pegios, M. Lin, N. Weng, M. B. S. Svendsen, Z. Bashir, S. Bigdeli, A. N. Christensen, M. Tolsgaard, A.Feragen